Dictionary definition for Volunteer: Those who work for nothing

Dr John Carroll

Married three Adult Children, & 2 Grand Children

1962 -1989:  RANR/RAN = 27 years

RANKS:  Commissioned to Lieutenant RAN from CPO Shipwright RANR

Vietnam Service:  HMAS SYDNEY, 1967 & 1972 HMAS YARRA 1967

1982 30 July:  Joined Fred McLeod-Dryden as a founding member of the HMAS SYDNEY & VLSV Association.

1987:  Appointed as an Association Committeeman, at the first meeting of the Association - Current. = 31 years

Positions Held:

1987:  Appointed Association Research Officer at second Committee Meeting – Current

Secretary:  1995-1997, 1999-2002 , 2005-2009.

2014:  President HMAS SYDNEY & VLSVA – Current.

2017:  President Navy Vietnam Sub Branch NAOA – Current 1 Year

2014:  ABC ANZAC Day March Commentary Team (Navy) - Current 4 Years

Other ESO Work:

2014:  Eastern VVAA Education Team –Current 4 Years

Grand Total: 40 Years

Community Volunteer work:

1990:  JP - Current

Total = 28 Years

Author of the Book Out of Sight out of Mind, the story of the RAN in Vietnam and donated all Royalties to The E J Whitten Prostate Foundation.

Researched and submitted evidence for 70 plus cases heard before the AAT for ex RAN Vietnam Logistic Sailors.

“John on behalf of the Members and the RAN Vietnam Logistical Service sailors as a whole, I wish to thank you for your past and current efforts on behalf of all Vietnam Logistic Sailors”.

David Speed Dwyer