Our Clothing Store is
This site has been developed to provide a place for all those who served onboard all ships bearing the name HMAS Sydney. Also HMAS Sydney III's destroyer escorts and Jeparit and Boonaroo, who were all involved in the Vietnam conflict, FESR personnel, and for all those who have an interest in that particular era of Australia's history. The purpose of this website is also to provide a way for those who have lost contact with old friends and for distant members to remain up-to-date with our activities. We hope that you enjoy your visit to our Association's web site and come back often. |
concept of forming such an Association arose out of discussions
between the 'founding father' Fred McLeod-Dryden and John Carroll in
September 1982.
(Read 'Mufti' article dated September 5, 1985)
The Association as such was formed in early 1984. The founding members consisted of Fred McLeod-Dryden, Brian McGurgan, Colin Mackenzie, and John Carroll. Membership has flourished ever since, with the current mailing list reflecting nearly 500 members within Victoria and 'outstations' within Australia, and overseas. With the exception of South Australia and Tasmania, each State has its own active branch or is represented by the HMAS SYDNEY & VLSVA, which is now recognized and registered in the Department of Veterans' Affairs Directory of ex-Service Associations.
The Association also has a 'loose-alliance' with other HMAS Sydney & VLSV Associations in other states and territories which sees us now as a recognized National Organization, acknowledged by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA). This recognition was long overdue.
Our Membership is on a tri-service basis for those with active service, and has been like this from very early days. We represent RAAF Loadmaster personnel from 36 squadron, the CMF Observer group and the Army small ships, all with the same fervour and consideration we give to former members of the RAN. In addition, we include Associate Membership for all ex-service personnel and civilians who wish to take an active interest in the operations and activities of our Association.
Other Involvements
This Association has an ongoing liaison with the Recruit School at HMAS Cerberus, and we sponsor a prize for the 'Instructor of the Year' which is adjudged by internal peer assessment.
This Association has also contributed financially to the Shrine Restoration and the HMAS Cerberus Museum. We are actively involved with the Emden Association in Germany and have kept in touch with them for some considerable time. As a tangible reflection of this liaison this Association has a feature wall in the Sydney-Emden room of the Warrant Officers and Senior Sailors Mess at HMAS Cerberus which depicts the Sydney - Emden action of the 09th of November 1914.
Amalgamation of the HMAS Sydney II Association with this Association was inevitable, if only to assure the ongoing viability of our unique heritage. This painless transition has resulted in a useful partnership with men that can be best described as 'living history'. We can truthfully lay claim to be actively representing sailors who have served in all of the four ships to bear the name Sydney. 'Thorough and Ready' - Aye.
Ongoing Commitments
yet, HMAS Vampire and HMAS Quickmatch have not received any form of
recognition for their trip up the Long Tau Shipping Channel to the
port of Saigon in January 1962. This anomaly has been a
long-standing one and will require a concerted effort to see
recognition finally afforded to those that participated in this
This ongoing
commitment has finally been resolved with a letter from the Manager
of the Nominal Rolls Section of DVA stating that those who served on
these ships at the time stated will be placed on the Nominal Roll of
Vietnam Veterans. It is anticipated that the names will be placed on
the web site by August 2007. Click
for a copy of
the letter.
Obtaining the full text of Mr. Justice Rapke's report into service
conditions, especially those which he experienced when 'serving'
aboard HMAS Sydney during his stay aboard this vessel in the late
1960's and again in the early 1970's. So far, the various
departments with Navy Office have managed to elude this
Association's efforts in this matter. However, we continue to try.
2007 Update:
Rapke Report: AKA as the Rapke Inquiry is available on the National
Archives of Australia Website. There are in excess of 60 files of
which the June-August file(s) are the most relevant and are titled
'HMAS Sydney Segment'. These files are heavily censored (expunged).
They may be accessed using the reference number A12433 where
indicated, and for convenience they are all digitised so they may be
downloaded straight from the National Archives site. They are of
limited research value.
August 2001 the Department of Veterans' Affairs held a meeting in
NSW with representatives of the NSW branch of this Association. This
was to report on the findings of a Mortality Study carried out by
the Department in 1997, relating to toxins and herbicides. Needless
to say, the initial data supplied by the DVA may be seen as having
serious consequences for all former members of the RAN who served
with the RAN Diving Team, HMAS Sydney and her escorts, the so-called
'Gun-line' ships, and 'Helo-flight' Vietnam. This information will
be updated from time-to-time, as further reliable and verifiable
material becomes available.
2007 Update:
The Water contamination issue forms part of the 2005 study into
Mortality and Cancer Incidence of Australian Vietnam Veterans. There
are three volumes of which the one on 'Cancer Incidence' and the one
titled 'The Third Australian Vietnam Veterans Mortality Study' are
the most relevant. These may be downloaded from the Department of
Veterans' Affairs website, or request copies from either local
Federal Members or the DVA. These 3 volumes were only released in
January 2007.
The HMAS Sydney & VLSV Association (VIC) has achieved much for its members. However, we need your ongoing support to be able to continue to serve you and yours.
Our History is now in the Australian War
The History of the HMAS Sydney & VLSVA
and their fight for recognition of war service has been accepted
into the AWM's Private Records Collection. The material will be made
available to researchers who request to view it in their supervised
Reading Room. Accession number is PRO4996.
Members of the HMAS SYDNEY Association (Vic. Inc.) are requested to check their
email address against their name in the membership list and, if necessary,
update their email address with the webmaster at: .
Annual Membership Fees
Account Name:
HMAS SYDNEY Association (Vic. Inc.)
BSB: 633-000
Account: 150073096
1. When making your payment via EFT, please use
"your name"
and "membership"
for identification.
2. We DO NOT HAVE the ability to accept CREDIT CARD
payments. PLEASE DO NOT SEND your CREDIT CARD details.
Current Repatriation Benefits for Gold
Veterans -
As of 01 January 2018
This is a list of products that are available on a Doctor's
prescription for Gold Card Repatriation Patients.
the list.....
New in the Clothing Store
Fly Navy stickers
Full details.....
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